Where to buy
Eager to try our wines but not sure where to find them? Here is a list of our current distributors.
For France and Europe delivery, contact us on contact@rouge-bleu.com or download our order form.
In the USA:
- NY-NJ : Charles charles
@bonhomiewine.com - DC-VA : Nicolas nemestre@gmail.com
- NC : Robert rwselections@me.com
- FL-TX-AZ : Tim tms@frenchcountrywines.com
- CA : Hiram hiram@winewise.biz
- OR : Chris mcadavis@gmail.com
- MN-WI-Ill : Clayton purchasing@wwcellars.com
In Japan:
Jeff: jren@orca-international.com
In Honk-Kong:
Paolo: paolo.ponghellini@
In Belgium:
- Bruxelles: Le Repère du Sommelier (Christophe)
- Overijse, Gand and Wijnegem: CRU
In Denmark:
Martin: mt@tradsborgogsoenner.dk
In Finland:
Marko: marko.horto
In Prague:
Thomas: thomasgoriaux@gmail.com
In the UK:
Sam: Le Verre Gourmand/Thirsty Cambridge
Jérôme: Fine Wine Importers
In Australia:
Seeking representation